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West Side Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan
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Public Health
Employment & Economy
Transportation & Complete Streets
Public Safety
All Strategies
Safe, Connected, and Vibrant Neighborhood
Low-cost safe transportation programs
Encourage alternative modes of transportation
Encourage planting of native plant species in vegetated areas
Improve pedestrian crossings at railroad tracks
Security upgrades at APHA properties
Police substation in Washington Village
Convert vacant lots into spaces of productive activity
Update the Asbury Park Village playground
Cops on Dots
Community Policing
Expand the Asbury Park Police Athletic League
Encourage consistent maintenance of streetscapes
Encourage enhanced stormwater systems
Community street tree program
Enhance street lighting along key corridors
Ensure that pedestrian safety amenities are adequate and maintained
Enhance amenities for public transit riders
Wayfinding and signage
Improve bicycle infrastructure
Create a community mobility project
New bus stops in the West Side
Create an art park near Springwood Ave
Create a heritage walk
Continue to bring live music back to the West Side
Community Supported Placemaking
Infuse the Springwood Ave corridor with public art
Utilize existing incentives
Prioritize commercial activity in the West Side
Encourage residents to open businesses
Allow shared parking
Create places to meet up along Springwood Avenue
Develop the intersection of Memorial Drive and Springwood Ave
Expand community outreach events and programs
Encourage commercial development along Springwood Ave
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