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Encourage, incentivize and consolidate commercial development along Springwood Avenue

Springwood Ave was once the commercial and cultural heart of the West Side. Today, very few businesses are operational on the corridor. Consolidating new commercial development on key blocks will help recreate the bustling business district and bring much-needed retail amenities to the neighborhood.

The Springwood Center, opened in 2012, was the first new construction on the avenue in years
Dilapidated housing along the avenue
A barber shop on Springwood Ave
Surface parking along Springwood Ave
supporting data

Top 3 services desired on Springwood Ave

#1: Services for children

#2: Recreation opportunities

#3: Job training

Data from 2015 Springwood Ave development survey

Top 3 businesses desired on Springwood Ave

#1: Grocery store

#2: Convenience stores

#3: Apparel shops

Data from 2015 Springwood Ave development survey

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