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Utilize all tools available to manage and rehabilitate vacant and abandoned properties, including the New Jersey Abandoned Properties Rehabilitation Act

Residents have expressed both a frustration with absentee landlords who do not take care of their properties and an interest in becoming homeowners. There are various “carrot and stick” mechanisms that Asbury Park can use to turn abandoned and dilapidated housing into affordable homeownership opportunities. The City will also update its vacant properties list to provide an accurate picture of vacancy in the city.


Source: 2017 Interfaith Neighbors West Side Parcel Survey

Supporting Data
greatest weakness in the neighborhood is housing quality

Data from 2017 Needs Assessment

greatest public safety issue is vacant/abandoned buildings

Data from 2017 Needs Assessment

Evidence-Based Research

“Beyond code enforcement: Understanding and using vacant and abandoned property tools in your municipality”

 New Jersey League of Municipalities. 


This presentation provides information as to why it is important to address abandoned properties, why properties are abandoned, gives background on the foreclosure process in NJ, gives information on the “zombie foreclosure” problem, and explores what tools NJ has to combat the issues of property abandonment.

Evidence-based research was collected by Monmouth University

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