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Expand high quality preschool programs in the West Side operated by the Asbury Park School District and explore new daycare facilities

According to the needs assessment, a major reason for not enrolling a child in preschool was lack of convenient access to a facility. The West Side needs more preschool and age 1-3 daycare options within the neighborhood to ensure all children can easily access early childhood education.

Supporting Data
of preschool parents rated their school as "excellent"

Data from 2017 Needs Assessment

Convenient Access

Top concern of Early Ed Focus Group

Evidence-Based Research

“American early childhood education: preventing or perpetuating inequality?”

Kagan, L. K. (2008),


Unlike merely two decades ago, early childhood education (ECE) is currently regarded as a magical panacea that prepares young children for school and life, equalizes opportunity, and prevents welfare dependence, incarceration, teenage pregnancy and school dropout. While a veritable aura of success encases contemporary early childhood education, few analyses have seared these accolades and examined the realities. This paper dons an equity lens and addresses America’s contemporary commitments to all its young children. It discusses early childhood education’s successes as well as its failures, noting that depending on where children live, how much money their parents have, and the color of their skin, their access to, and experiences in, early childhood settings vary dramatically. The paper suggests that while ECE has the proven potential to prevent educational inequity, if not dramatically improved, it will do the reverse and perpetuate it.

Evidence-based research was collected by Monmouth University

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