Strengthen the systems in place to identify at-risk youth and connect them to support services and positive activities
A major concern for West Side residents is the risk of young people becoming involved in gang activity. An expanded support system for at-risk youth will help “stem the tide” and reduce the influence of gangs in the neighborhood.
Data from 2017 Needs Assessment
“The life development of gang members: interventions at various stages”
Meacham, M; Stokes, T. (2008) Forensic Examiner, 17(1), 34-39.
The growing problem of gang activity continues to plague clinicians, human services, communities, schools, law enforcement, corrections, and public policy. Many interventions assist in helping gang members change, or attempt to control gang activity, and their focus is on gang members in middle and secondary schools (or the few years following). This paper proposes that the growth of a gang member continues through a lifetime of changes, and it suggests intervention at various levels of a gang member’s development.
Evidence-based research was collected by Monmouth University