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Communicate school-wide events, programs, and partnerships through newsletters, social media, and other innovative means

A major concern in the community, which was reflected in the needs assessment, was a lack of communication about ongoing programs and services. Enhancing school-wide communications will enable students and parents to fully utilize what is already being offered.

Supporting Data
of residents say they rely on word-of-mouth to get information about their child's school

Data from 2017 Needs Assessment

of residents cited a lack of information as the primary reason their children do not participate in existing programs

Data from 2017 Needs Assessment

Evidence-Based Research

“Implications of Information and communication technologies (ICT) for school-home communication”

Health D., Maghrabi R., & Carr N. K. (2017). Journal of Information Technology Education.


Research demonstrates the positive impact of parental involvement on students, families and schools. Studies also indicate a close connection between effective school-home communication and increased parental involvement and engagement in learning. Effective selection and use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) invites more effective school-home communication, increasing parental involvement and improving student outcomes. However, ICT adoption rates are heterogeneous, influenced by cultural, socioeconomic and other factors. Also, gaps may exist between parent/school communication preferences. Our multi-case study investigates principals and parents from three different public elementary schools (suburban/high wealth; urban/low wealth; urban magnet/mixed income) to understand the impact of misalignment in ICT adoption and use on school-home communication. We find misperceptions by parents and principals regarding their ICT adoption beliefs and actual use. Our results also indicate alignment between parent and principal ICT preferences and expectations improves parent satisfaction with the principal and the school, while misalignment has the opposite effect.

Evidence-based research was collected by Monmouth University

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