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Transportation + Mobility

Public transportation does not take residents where they need to go.

Job Density and Transit Lines in Monmouth County
Transportation to Place of Work
  • Drive
  • Carpool
  • Walk
  • Other
  • Bus
  • Taxi or Uber
  • Train
  • Bike
...of respondents own a personal vehicle


...of respondents use a personal vehicle every day to go somewhere
0 Miles
...average distance to work
...of Jobs within the limits of Asbury Park are in Retail, Accommodation, and Food Services
...of respondents work in Asbury Park or Neptune City
Public Safety

Perception of safety in the neighborhood differs by population segment. In general most adults feel safe but have concerns for their children.Residents are eager to contribute to creating a safer community and have many ideas for ways to improve the neighborhood.

...of respondents want to 'be involved to make my neighborhood safer'


Perceptions of Police + Safety

of respondents agree with the statement 'I feel safe allowing my children to play outside'


of respondents agree with the statement 'When people in my neighborhood call the police, they come right away'


Communication + Amenities

Residents are often unaware or lacking information regarding the many community programs available to them.


...of respondents were aware but not participating in, or unaware of the community organizations currently operating in Asbury Park listed in the survey.
Most common methods for receiving information about the community
Word of Mouth
Places of Worship
Newsletters + Community Spaces
Least common methods for receiving information about the community
City Website
Social Media

Local Amenities

...of respondents believe the following activity spaces are somewhat or definitely needed in the neighborhood: Playground/tot lot, athletics playfields, walking/running trails, neighborhood parks, and community gardens


...of respondents think public art is important to a community's quality of life and identity

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