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Many residents are renters, and a majority have been within the community for over three years. There are a diverse range of household types and sizes in the community.

...of respondents live in a household with adults other than their husband or wife (grandparents, adult relatives, etc).


Housing Characteristics


  • Tenant
  • Homeowner
  • Tenant (Non-Lease Holder)
Housing Tenure: Tenants (%)


Housing Tenure: Homeowners (%)


Quality of Life

Residents reported dealing with challenges such as trouble keeping up with rent/mortgages as well as difficulty making necessary repairs to their property. Access to high quality internet is a vital part of bridging the digital divide and accessing resources.


Internet Access at Home (%)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unsure


...of respondents have had trouble keeping up with rent payments at least a few times in the past year.
...of respondents have had difficulty getting their landlord to make necessary repairs and/or standard upkeep at least a few times in the past year.
...of respondents would likely or very likely use free Wi-Fi if it were offered within walking distance from their home.
greatest neighborhood weakness is housing quality

The primary reason renters would like to buy a home, but have not yet done so, is their personal financial situation*

...increase in homeownership rates from 2012 to 2016*


...of current renters would like to buy a home in the neighborhood*
*Data gathered from Interfaith Neighbors West Side Neighborhood Resident Survey

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